Project Details
TYPE: Substation – Greenfield
Voltages: 500kV
Pads Installed: 8 pads (Switch Operator Pads up to Power Transformer Pads)
Location: California

This project is a part of the largest battery storage facility worldwide. This project has a battery storage capacity of 750 Megawatts, with four existing co-generation plants on the site as well. The site was a converted power plant to now a battery storage facility. The terrain consists of working around existing power plant facilities with many underground obstacles, such as two aqueducts to the ocean, and a 4,160-volt duct bank. The site had to be mitigated for contaminated soils as well.
The civil scope for this project consisted of 230 cubic yards of concrete, 38 pads (switch operator pads up to power transformer pads), and 1,500 cubic yards of surface rock laid down.
Phase one of this project was completed in early 2021, with the second phase currently underway with expected completion in Q1 of 2023.